Spontaneously I created a hoop. It gives me associations with the Space or the Universe. Maybe because I’ve read about paralell realities recently. Maybe I’m just drawn to this type of topics. Or I just like blue and pink and use it in huge doses.

I’ve already started a new sister piece.
The pleasure of making them is genuine. It’s pure meditation, being in the zone and in the heaven perhaps. That’s why I called my creations Nibyniebo (in polish the word ‘niby’ means just like. And the word ‘niebo’ means heaven or sky. What I create is just like heaven. Not exaclty, but surely somewhere between the Earth and the Sky.

In the meantime treat yourself with the great book by Tom Campbell ‘My Big Toe’. And be in the mood for more space abstracts and starry eyes.
ps: If you are interested see the post abou vertical tiles – rised stitchesn – abstract embroidery by Nibynbiebo. It’s HERE…
Vertical tiles on jeans hand embroidered shapes and 3d sculptures Hand embroidered rised stitches
Read more about Nibyniebo art and process here…