Creative for life – a short story about heart and hands.

For the last few months I’ve tapped into new kind of inspiration – very old one – related to crayons. The fire is still on and currently I’m working on new drawing full of eyes. Colored pencils are amazing, just the feel of coloring white space produces calm pleasure in my brain. I just let it be, not forcing myself to do any other art form. I follow my heart. I used to follow my barin but this one makes so many mistakes. Heart knows. Now I know it knows. I love it.

The first drawing of eyes. Colored pencils on beerboard.

However I noticed slight missing of stitching and beading. I’m not promissing anything. Just wondering. I have a few projects unfinished. I have new ideas too. (no, no more new ideas!)

Much love,



Justyna Wołodkiewicz